This week's pick: The Lady is a Champ by Carol Polis and Rich Herschlag
Title: -4 (for the awful Sinatra song title appropriation)
Cover art: -5 See what they did there? It's about boxing. But it's pink. Because she's a lady. How original...
Writerly chops/street cred: -5 Polis has no previous publications that I could find, and it looks like "collaborative writing" (or ghost writing) is Herschlag's thing. Also, judging by his previous work, I think it's safe to assume he came up with the title:
Shock: How adverse the adversity? -5 Not super shocking. According to the press release, Polis was the first woman professional boxing judge. Yes, she broke into and was successful in a male-dominated profession which is significant, but I'm not really sure I count having a vagina as a form of adversity.
Schlock: How triumphal the triumph? -5 To quote the pitch letter, Polis triumphed against "long odds." Not sure I've heard the phrase turned quite that way before. And those long odds were, again, vaginally-centric.
God factor: +5 Seems relatively god-talk free. (Just a matter of personal taste, I like my memoirs light on the preaching and relatively Jesus free).
Alternate title: She Hits Like a Girl:One Woman's Triumph Over Having a Vagina.
Highly scientific speculative tolerablility rating: -19
You are smarmy. You didn't even read the book. How utterly unfair and presumptuous. Get a life, you pretentious hipster doofus. If you were any good at what YOU do, you be working for a larger publisher and wouldn't have time to clog the internet with another self-serving, useless narcissistic "blog".